findandstudy why turkey - Why Turkey?

Why to Study In Turkey?

  • 208 high-quality universities
  • 18 universities in the top 1000 in the world rankings
  • Quality education at a much more affordable cost compared to Europe
  • Possibility of education in all areas
  • Ease of receiving acceptance letters
  • Diploma valid all over the world
  • English language education
  • Easy transition to master’s and doctoral program
  • Opportunity to participate in student exchange programs such as Erasmus+, Farabi and Mevlana
  • Visa convenience
  • Part-time study and scholarship opportunities while studying at University
  • High-level living standards
  • Coexistence of European and Asian culture
  • Quality education in European standards
  • Opportunity to find a job in your country and Turkey after graduation
  • Each university has first year Turkish courses (TÖMER).